Coronavirus cancellations: How fetish event hosts are handling pandemic.
Many fetish events from March 2020 onwards have been cancelled or postponed because of coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions.
We are monitoring events for such changes and have flagged them on our listings as they show up on our radar.
Where a change has been found, we have left the original listing in place with its original date, and added a red “cancelled” or “postponed” alert to the event description (not the event title).
Where an event has been postponed because of coronavirus and we know the new date, we have also created a new listing using the new date. In these cases, we have also created a redirect, so if anyone searches for the old event on Google, they should be redirected to the new version of the event.
Event promoters are understandably holding on as long as they can before cancelling or postponing. Typically promoters seem to be taking those decisions not later than one month before an event is due to take place.
Story: Tony Mitchell
Main photo by Heinrich von Schimmer: German Fetish Ball host René tells The Fetishistas he hopes the GFB Weekend in Berlin can still go ahead, but has two alternative plans if obliged to cancel the May programme
Photo, right, by @picturesinblood: Torture Garden director Charlotte Heiti says TG can survive without events for a while ‘but not forever’
If you’d like to know more about how the fetish events industry is approaching the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve published a major article on our sister magazine site The Fetishistas, addressing this very issue.
This article provides an editorial overview of the situation in the UK, Europe and North America as things appeared at the end of March.
And the promoters of German Fetish Ball Weekend, Torture Garden, SubRosaDictum and Vancouver Fetish Weekend have each shared their personal outlooks in relation to the coronavirus situation, and have revealed the worst-case scenarios for their upcoming events.