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The Fetishistas Directory is a new resource for the fetish and BDSM scenes conceived and published by Tony Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief of respected online fetish magazine TheFetishistas.com
What kind of fetish information can I find using The Fetishistas Directory?
The Directory aims to offer, under one ‘digital roof’, a free-to-access and simple-to-use showcase for fetish brands and events that will enable you to compare products and services, check party dates, make purchasing decisions and reliably plan fetish shopping and nightlife activities when you are travelling.
The launch edition of the Directory comes with two categories of listings — Latex Clothing/Accessories and Fetish/BDSM Events — and we aim to add further categories in the fullness of time.
How are listings for businesses and events presented in the Directory?
As you would expect, listings with full street addresses generate the most detailed maps. Since some fetish businesses are sensitive about revealing their exact locations, some maps will only pinpoint a town or city location.
The overall amount of information you will find in an individual listing depends on the listings package selected by the business owner. The launch edition of the Directory provides basic info corresponding to our entry-level Plus package.
Two upgrade options increase the amount of information and pictures that businesses can display on any listing page. Businesses can choose which of our three packages provides enough features for them to present all the information they want you to see.
What else will I find in the Directory apart from listings for businesses and events?
There’s info about the Directory’s parent magazine site TheFetishistas.com, with its coverage of international fetish news, gossip, parties and creative talent, as well as The Fetishistas Directory Newsletter which will keep you up to date with changes to Directory listings and the latest stories added to the Directory’s News section.
The About Page also includes links to the latest content in the Directory’s own News Section, which aims to find new and interesting angles on stories that have originated from the businesses and events we’re listing in the Directory.
The Info Page houses a series of easy-to-use graphic links that take you quickly to different sections of the website. There are links for the Pricing page (for Business users) and News section, followed by our two FAQ pages for All Users and Business Users.
Also provided is a Directory Locations link which allows businesses wanting to add a listing to submit a new location if the current location of their business or event is not included in the Locations dropdown menu.
We have used the (non-listing) general pages of the Directory site to showcase some of the great fetish photography encountered during our listings researches. All this fabulous photography is fully credited on our dedicated Photo Credits page and the Info Page is where you’ll find a link to that page too. We aim to rotate the visuals on our general pages fairly regularly so we’ll always be looking for new, high-quality fetish images that are relevant to our Directory content.
The final four Info Page Links connect you to the Contact Us page, to the main Fetishistas website, and to to our Terms of Use and Privacy & Cookie statements.
What search options does the Directory offer me for finding listed businesses or events?
Our aim has been to provide several different means of searching for information in the Directory, on the basis that any single search method is never going to suit everyone.
Search directly from the top Navigation Menu Bar
Directly accessible from the top left of the Navigation Menu Bar visible on every page are two search options: Search/Reset Location and Search Categories. The use of either of these to search for listings is covered in the next FAQ item: How do I search for a listing using the Navigation Bar at the top of each Directory Page?
Search from within the Home Page
There are numerous options for searching from within the Home Page Scroll down below the banner and intro and you’ll see Latex Selection – a random set of latex listing previews. If you’re just browsing for fun, you can click on any of these previews to open its full listing.
Click All results in location (found to the right of Latex Selection) to browse the complete Latex Clothing Directory using various filtering options.
Scroll further down the Home Page and you’ll come to Events Selection. Here, you can once again browse randomly by clicking on any of the previews displayed. Or you can click on All results in location on the right, which will take you to the Fetish Events Directory.
Search from the Home Page Sidebar
Several different types of search are also possible from within the Home Page Sidebar. For Latex searches, you can search for brand names, categories or locations using the Search Latex Clothing box. You can search by Categories using the Search Latex Categories dropdown. Or you can perform a global map search using Search Latex World Map.
For Events searches, you can search for event names, categories or locations using the Search Events box. You can search by Categories using the Search Events Categories dropdown. Or you can perform a global map search using Search Events World Map.
Search from the About Page
If you’re on the About Page, scrolling roughly halfway down will bring you to two direct links to the Events Directory and Latex Directory.
Clicking on Events Directory takes you to the Fetish Events Directory page. Clicking on Latex Directory takes you to the Latex Clothing Directory page. You can then browse either Directory using various search/filtering options.
Important note: If you are searching from the Latex Directory page or Events Directory page, your search will be limited to any location currently shown in the Search/Reset Location dropdown at top left of the navigation bar. To search globally from either of these pages, you will need to clear any previously chosen location by using the Reset option in the dropdown.
How do I search for a listing using the Navigation Menu Bar at the top of each Directory page?
For non-local searches you can select a Country from the dropdown menu, which will then allow you to select a State and then a City or Town that you want to search for possible listings.
Note that City/Town locations will only be offered to you if a listing exists in the Directory for that location. You can’t search for listings in a location where no Directory listing currently exists.
Clicking on SEARCH CATEGORIES in the nav menu bar takes you straight to the Categories Page, where you’ll find category lists for our two current main Directory categories: Latex Clothing and Events.
Click on LATEX CLOTHING and you’ll see that the ten categories in that Directory have become active links. Click any one of these — for example DESIGNERS — and it will open a Latex results page showing all latex businesses listed under the Designers category.
Similarly, selecting a category from the EVENTS category list — for example FETISH FESTIVALS — will open a results page showing all events listed under the Fetish Festivals category.
Even the most basic listings will normally have a minimum of three applicable categories initially allocated to them. However, many more categories can be allocated to a listing once the business has claimed its listing(s) on the site and uploaded the extra information that can be added after doing so.
Important note: if you choose to search categories after selecting a location from the top left SEARCH/RESET LOCATION menu, results will only be shown for that specific location. To cancel a preselected location and see results for ALL locations, click the SEARCH/RESET LOCATION link at the bottom of the same menu.
How do I search for a listing from within the Home Page of the Directory?
Search from within the Home Page
There are numerous options for searching from within the Home Page. Scroll down below the banner and intro and you’ll see Latex Selection – a random set of latex listing previews. If you’re just browsing for fun, you can click on any of these previews to open its full listing.
Click All results in location (found to the right of Latex Selection) to browse the complete Latex Clothing Directory using various filtering options.
Scroll further down the Home Page and you’ll come to Events Selection. Here, you can once again browse randomly by clicking on any of the previews displayed. Or you can click on All results in location on the right, which will take you to the Fetish Events Directory.
Search from the Home Page Sidebar
Several different types of search are also possible from within the Home Page Sidebar. For Latex searches, you can search for brand names, categories or locations using the Search Latex Clothing box. You can search by Categories using the Search Latex Categories dropdown. Or you can perform a global map search using Search Latex World Map.
For Events searches, you can search for event names, categories or locations using the Search Events box. You can search by Categories using the Search Events Categories dropdown. Or you can perform a global map search using Search Events World Map.
Can I make purchases, for example of clothing or event tickets, directly from the Directory’s listings pages?
As the Directory evolves, we may well see the introduction of in-page purchasing direct from listings. But at the moment it is not possible to make purchases of goods or services directly from our listings pages.
However, all listings provide you with useful information (such as ticket prices in the events listings) to help you make purchasing decisions. There are also links that allow you to visit the business or event website/web page through which purchases can be made, plus email addresses and phone numbers where available.
How do I obtain further information about a business or event listed in the Directory?
Can I submit comments on a listed business I’ve had dealings with, or an event I’ve attended?
Can I recommend a business or event that doesn’t have a listing, if I think it should be included in the Directory?
For example, a few businesses or events may be so new that they were launched after our most recent listings update. Alternatively, some brands may have such a weak online presence that they do not appear in the searches we make to discover new entries. If you believe you know of someone like that, please do tip us off!
But please note: a few businesses (including at least a couple that are quite well-known and well-regarded by latex fans) have not had their listings included in the Directory’s launch edition because they have not supplied sufficient location information. Unfortunately the Directory Theme will not allow publication of a listing that does not include at least a nearby town or city in its info. This very basic info is the minimum needed for generation of a listing’s Google Map, without which a listing cannot appear.