Unlisted latex! Why a few familiar labels currently have ‘ex-Directory’ status.
Looking through our Latex Clothing listings, you might notice the absence of a small number of brands known to rubber enthusiasts, and wonder why they’re unlisted.
It could be simply because they’ve ceased trading in the last couple of years, or are ‘taking a break’ with no indication of when a return is likely. Or it could be just a genuine oversight on our part, in which case we welcome having that drawn to our attention so it can be corrected.
But a few latex labels are unlisted in our launch edition for another, rather boring but nevertheless important technical reason: we don’t know where those businesses are located.
The WordPress theme on which this Directory is based requires that, for a listing to be displayed, a nearby town or city must be included, as this enables a Google map to be generated for the listing page.
A listing page will not display without a Google map, and a Google map can’t generate without a nearby town or city.
Of course we’re aware that for a variety of legitimate reasons fetish businesses don’t always like to provide the precise locations (other than the countries) they’re operating from.
However, most business owners also realise that just stating a city or town as their approximate location is very unlikely to result in any unwelcome attention — and that doing so does allow them to have a Directory listing.
Story: Tony Mitchell
Main photo: Outfit from Russia’s Andromeda Latex – by VHP.photo. Andromeda prefers not to reveal its current location, thereby missing the opportunity of a Directory listing
Photo, right, by MarcusT: Ethical Kink, whose net dress is modelled by LBB’s Alexandra Houston, has also not yet provided us with a location
ethical kink.com
Sadly a few businesses have either not responded to requests for location info, or have declined to provide the info requested.
Consequently, among UK businesses for which we can’t yet publish a listing, we have been obliged to include Ethical Kink (see image below).
Elsewhere around the globe we have had to omit ArtSee1, the American maker of Hollywood-inspired superhero costumes, and Andromeda Latex, the much-admired Russian latex cosplay costume specialist (see image above).
The latter has always been sensitive about revealing its precise location, but tells us that, anyway, it is planning to relocate to a different country in 2019 and isn’t taking any more orders at the moment.
Statistically, just three unlistable latex businesses out of around 300 we’ve identified throughout the world is a pretty good result. Nevertheless, we still hope these businesses will eventually activate the listings available to them by telling us (roughly at least) where they hang out!